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September 11, 2019 | Press Releases

A nation of sustainable fashion followers; 9 in 10 Brits seek upcycled garments

Oxfam's second-hand September highlights the desire for sustainability. Retailers can leverage this via transparent product information.

LONDON, UK –September 11, 2019: With Fashion Week looming this Friday, Oxfam is encouraging fans of fast fashion to forgo their frivolous shopping sprees and instead get their fix by buying second hand this September.

Research from product information management company inriver reveals consumer attitudes to sustainable fashion lie around cost and quality –proving that brands and retailers must make it a priority to effectively communicate eco-values and appeal to what is important to their eco-conscious consumers.

Oxfam’s ‘second-hand September’ campaign has put the test to consumers; 90% of Brits say they would be willing to purchase a product clearly labelled as ‘upcycled’ or ‘100% recyclable’, less than half of that number (43%) would actually be willing to pay a premium. This increases to 51% for London-based shoppers, who are the most willing to pay a higher price for recycled products.

The responsibility is increasingly being put on companies to be transparent about its sustainable practices, as almost two thirds (62%) of consumers admit they would stop using a brand if it was found to be detrimental to the environment. That said, while one fifth (20%) of consumers are committed to purchasing only sustainable products, product information detailing the sustainability and environmental impact would make 7 in 10 (69%) Brits more likely to purchase.

Steve Gershik, former CMO of inriver says, “While many consumers will be taking advantage of second-hand September, retailers shouldn’t overlook the opportunities it provides them with. Shoppers will continue to buy, but will do so more consciously; seeking sustainable, long-term fashion items that may have less impact on the planet. Brands and retailers can harness this demand and the earn eco-conscious consumers’ trust by being transparent and providing clear product information detailing the sustainable elements of the product.”

“Fast fashion retailers failing to disclose the environmental impact of their practices may struggle to obtain new customers during second-hand September. The benefits of integrating more sustainable practices go beyond second-hand September, but it might be the push retailers and apparel manufacturers need to change practices and policies.”


*Methodology: inriver commissioned investigative research with Savanta in July 2019 among 1,500 UK consumers between the ages of 16-44.