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inriver blog

News and views on the industry trends that matter to you, your business, and your PIM.

Guided selling 101: tips for e-commerce teams


The reported death of the B2B salesman means guided selling is essential for e-commerce success.

Revenue blind spots and more – Q&A with Bryan Eisenberg


What are revenue blind spots and how do they impact organizations? PIMpoint Summit keynote speaker, Bryan Eisenberg, shares his insights.

5 must-see sites of Malmö, Sweden for PIMpoint summit attendees


Joining us for PIMpoint Summit 2019? While you’re in town, check out the five best things to see in Malmö, Sweden!

The role of product taxonomy


inriver is proud to share a guest blog post written by our partner, Aperture Labs, about what a product taxonomy is and why it is important.

Disintermediation: the benefits of going D2C


Johan Boström, our co-founder and evangelist, explains how digital has evolved to eliminate intermediaries whose cost to service has become greater than the value they provide.

Coffee, zombies and marketing – An interview with Peter Shankman


Peter Shankman sold HARO in 2010, but its underlying idea is still at the core of his business philosophy. His most recent book, Zombie Loyalists: Using Great Service to Create Rabid Fans, focuses on customer service, which he believes is the next big thing for companies looking to gain customers and earn their devotion.

21 essential e-commerce statistics to help drive more conversions


Every year technology gets more advanced, more multifaceted, and more pervasive. Stay ahead of the curve with the e-commerce stats you need to know to make better decisions.