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Commercetools Connector (powered by SQLI)

Manage your product information in inriver PIM and push it effortlessly and directly to commercetools via our "inriver PIM commercetools connector."

Manage your product information in inriver PIM and push it effortlessly and directly to commercetools via our “inriver PIM commercetools connector.” 


How it works 
The connector ensures that all changes made in inriver PIM are automatically pushed to the commercetools API. Through the API the data gets imported and published. The connector ensures instant and effortless updates to all your commercetools websites. The completeness rules, quality constraints, and approval flows in inriver will make sure that no unfinished data is sent to commercetools.  

The inriver PIM commercetools connector offers, therefore, the following benefits for your organization:  

Marco Tjong-a-Tjoe, Head of PIM practice
Website: https://www.sqli.nl/en/osudio-inriver-pim-commercetools-connector
Email: mtjongatjoe@sqli.com