inriver named “leader” in new 2024-2025 IDC MarketScape for PIM Vendors | Download now >

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Product information management or PIM is a centralized hub that allows you to consolidate, manage, enrich, and access product information. PIM solutions help brands ensure access to rich, high-quality product information that's ready for distribution across multiple channels, both internally and externally.

Is poor product information hurting your profit? As the cost-of-living squeezes the digital shelf, it is more important than ever to give yourself every advantage over the competition.

Your product information is a great place to start.

Inriver’s game-changing PIM solution creates a single source of truth for all your product data, transforming it from mere numbers and letters into a profit-driving asset.  

Watch our short demo now and discover how easy it is to:

  • Synchronize product information across all new and existing B2B and B2C channels.
  • Get your products seen across all searchable customer touchpoints.
  • Gain customizable data intelligence to fuel smarter strategic decisions.

Updates are made from a single location and published across all channels in less than 15 mins.

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