inriver named “leader” in new 2024-2025 IDC MarketScape for PIM Vendors | Download now >

the PIM for food and beverage

Get a taste for winning product experiences with advanced PIM technology that delivers:

■ A centralized, organization-wide repository of market-ready product information
■ Complete SKU-level oversight for regulatory compliance
■ API-based syndication that connects to all the biggest marketplaces and resellers

A woman uses a grocery delivery app on her smartphone. She is selecting fresh produce while using the app.
pim for food and beverage
trusted by leading food and beverage brands:
Arla black
Bacardi black
Saputo black
Coop black
Cloetta black
Livekindly black

Reliable, market-ready source of truth

Streamline data management with a scalable, centralized repository of product information.

API-based syndication to all channels

Manage buying channels with ease thanks to single-click syndication and pre-flight checks.

Complete SKU-level oversight

Maintain compliance for all products in all markets with full data transparency across your catalog.

Digital shelf intelligence that closes the loop

See how your products perform online with real-time, actionable insight for optimizations.

inriver PIM buyer guide

Are you ready to start your PIM journey? Read the complete buyer’s guide to find out.
Get the guide>

Achieving global expansion rapidly with the inriver PIM integrated solution

See Benoit Bertrand, Global Vice President for Information Technology Digital and Innovation, and Ugo Galvani, Digital Director at Saputo, discuss Saputo’s global implementation strategy, placing PIM at the center stage of their growth.

the latest from inriver on food and beverage:

want to see the inriver PIM in action?

Schedule a personalized, guided demo with an inriver expert today to see how the inriver PIM can get more value from your product information.

frequently asked questions

How can a PIM system help with managing complex packaging requirements in the food industry?

A PIM system simplifies managing complex packaging data by centralizing all product details, ensuring compliance with regulations, and providing accurate information across channels. This helps food industry brands maintain consistent and compliant packaging details globally.

How does a food PIM ensure accurate ingredient tracking for regulatory compliance?

A food PIM provides SKU-level oversight for tracking ingredients, ensuring compliance with local and international regulations. It centralizes product management so brands can manage data changes and updates efficiently, keeping consumers safe and informed.

Can a PIM solution help food brands improve customer experiences across multiple channels?

Yes, a PIM solution enables seamless product management across multiple channels, giving customers consistent and accurate information about your products. This improves consumer trust and enhances brand loyalty, especially in the competitive food industry.

How does a PIM system support global expansion for food and beverage brands?

A PIM system helps brands scale efficiently by centralizing data and offering API-based syndication to various markets and customers. This allows food industry brands to maintain consistency while expanding into new regions, ensuring all product and packaging information is accurate and market-ready.